Sunday 29 July 2012

The 2012 Travel Project: February 2012, Brussels, Belgium

February was cold and wet in even snowed once!  Seriously...for real!  So naturally, like any other fun loving Canadian would do, we (Myself, Julia, and 3 friends from Total) decided to travel even farther Brussels.

Beer, chocolate and fries abound...but the trick would be finding those gems of photos hiding in the city...

This first picture is more a case of a great subject than a great picture...This is "la grande place" in Brussels...really an amazing place!  Taken with the Tokina wide angle.
Good subject, OK photo.
This next one is of the inexplicable famous Mannequin Pis...Yep that's it there, peeing with a Shriner suit on...To add to that, it was surrounded by like 300 people and it was only about a foot tall...inexplicable...truly...Taken with a Nikon zoom 5.8.
 This picture was taken in the EU Parlimentarium museum, which is still to this day one of my favorite museums.  Viewed from the floor below these balls formed a map of Europe, but from the upper deck they simply looked cool.  Unfortunately, I feel that this is another occasion where a better angle for the shot would have made it more interesting...oh well.  Taken with a Nikon 50mm 1.8.
Balls-y shot!
Next up, Netherlands.

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